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« on: December 14, 2013, 09:36:43 am »
Agni Pariksha of Sita in the Ramayana,moncler reduziert
Agni Pariksha of Sita in the RamayanaRama asking Sita to undergo the Agni Pariksha is one of the controversial episodes in Hinduism that evokes strong emotions. This article provides a dispassionate view.Posted by Harsh Nevatia  Last updated: Dec 2, 2013Agni Pariksha translates as "trial by fire." Ravan abducted Sita and held her captive for several months in his kingdom of Lanka. This forced Rama to invade Lanka,moncler kinderkleidung, kill Ravan and free his wife.But before accepting her he asked her to give the Agni Pariksha. She had to immerse herself in burning flames and come out unscathed in order to prove that she was unsullied. This has created a controversy and given ammunition to Hindu baiters.The Moral Dilemma of the Agni ParikshaIn the 21st century if a woman is abducted,moncler jacken bestellen, as Sita was,winterjacke moncler, it would be considered heinous and unacceptable for her husband to demand a trial by fire. At least this would be the case in societies that believe in the equality of the genders. And by this benchmark Rama grievously erred in asking Sita to undergo the Agni Pariksha. But this event did not take place in the 21st century. It took place 7,000 years ago. Even 700 years ago women in all parts of the world were subject to exploitation. Hence the morality of events of ages gone by must be judged by the standards of those ages and not by current sensitivities.If Rama had been a mortal there would have been no dilemma. He asked of his wife what ever other man would have done in similar circumstances. The moral dilemma arises because Rama was not a mortal. He was God incarnate or an avatar of the Supreme Being. Therefore the morality of his actions have to transcend time and space.Avatars and Hindu MythologyThe Rama avatar is exceedingly complex. He is endowed with divine powers but he also has human characteristics. And at times one is not sure whether it is the God that is acting or the human. And this is where the confusion begins.The confusion is compounded because Hindu mythology has a strong oral tradition. For the first few thousand years the Puranic stories were recounted orally and must have changed with each retelling. It is difficult to estimate the effect of this retelling on epics like Valmiki's Ramayana of Vyasa's Mahabharata.Some experts today are able to argue that different parts of these epics as they're known today were written in completely different times. Hence it is impossible to say with certainty exactly what must have happened in the Agni Pariksha incident. Also assuming that it did take place,original moncler jacken, it is difficult to decide whether Rama's actions must be judged as those of God or those of a mortal.The Agni Pariksha in Valmiki and Tulsidas RamayanaIn the Valmiki Ramayana Rama forgets that he is God, when he disowns Sita and compels her to enter the burning pyre. To the assembled deities he says, "I think of myself to be a human being, by name Rama,moncler köln, the son of Dasharath." The deities then remind him that he is the avatar of the Supreme God. When Sita emerges from the flames Rama says that though he knew that Sita was pure the Agni Pariksha was essential to prove her fidelity before the society at large. Despite the rationalization attempted the morality of the act can still be questioned. One cannot compel someone to undergo torture in the guise of exoneration by society.Tulsidas in his Ramcharita Manas adds an interesting twist. Before Sita is abducted Rama tells her that he will have to engage in some lila or play acting in which she would be abducted and made to suffer. He asked her to take refuge with Agni,moncler verkauf, the demi God of Fire,moncler millais, and leave behind her image so that the image would face the tribulations and not the real Sita. During the Agni Pariksha Agni consumes the image and returns the real Sita to Rama. None of those witnessing the trial by fire can make this out. They think that Sita is proving her fidelity. This may seem another form of rationalization, but the simplicity of the idea and lyrical poetry used to describe it has to be lauded."The image and the social taint both perished in the fearsome flames / The deities and sages watching were unable to fathom what really happened. / Agni led the real Sita,moncler herren daunenjacke, the one worshipped by all, from the flames / And returned her to Rama ."That such a trial by fire was unacceptable even at that time can be appreciated by the negative reactions to it of the assembled monkeys,, demons and deities as described in the Valmiki Ramayana. Puranic stories have over the time been restructured for dramatic effect and are steeped in metaphors whose original intent is no longer known.

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