The Mage Pkers hang-out zones are:
Normal,Non Wildy Hangout:
Wildy,Attack Planning Hangout:
Canafis Bar
Mage Pkers are a clan that are friendly towards the DarkenedCombat community.Be warned though,if become our enemy,we show no mercy.This means,when we attack other clans,we kill every person there.We loot ALL the items,and we don't give ANY back. Some people may feel that this is unfair,and bad.The simple thing to do is: DONT make an enemy of us.
We have regular training sessions,and we normally invite the community to hang around with us.We give free stuff to new players,help people train,talk to them and just generally make them feel happy.
But when we want to go back to being a private clan,its a good idea to allow us. Going to UnNamed Pk is sending yourself to your death.We kill anyone who we see in the wildy.The only exception is the Rune spot. We like to mine the Rune,so we can sell it to other clans.As long as your not in a clan,we will let you mine Rune,and we will also offer you protection. Our skillers make us Bows,Arrows,Range Armour and Runes. It is best to leave them alone and let them get on with it. We normally wage war with other clans,simply because we need loot. The loot normally gets passed onto DarkenedCombat Players who arent in a clan.
In our meetings,we discuss anything. Players are allowed to some meetings,although important ones are held in the wildy. Anyone caught listening in will be killed and looted. Also,we stand up for each other. If one member is attacked by another clan,we declare that clan to be at war with us. If a member of our clan attacks another clan without our say so,he will be kicked from the clan,and we will most likely kill him. We are happy to ally with other strong clans,and we will give items to those who need it. Our clan has a private armoury(an account with a share of the loot,and all the armour we need). This means we can go into a fight with good armour,and simply get it replaced. After every fight,some loot must be given to The Armoury.
If we are at war with a clan,then trading with them is not allowed.Although some may find this harsh,we can not trade good items to a clan which wants us gone. If you are found trading with a clan we are at war with,you will be considered our enemy. If you reveal any of our plans,you will be considered our enemy.Also,we will simply change our plans,and thus you telling will have simply endangered yourself.
This is Mage Pkers.
We hope you enjoy having us around.