Welcome to Mage Pkers!We are a brand new clan,based on Pking,Training,Monster Killing and communial events and activities.We are a mage/range based clan,but we also train other skills.

- MUST have 70+Mage OR Range(preferably both)
- MUST have 40+defence,attack,strength AND hitpoints
- MUST be on reguarly.
- MUST show enthusiasm towards clan activities.
- MUST be ready to fight/train
- MUST defend the clan
- MUST listen to the clan owner(Harry)and other senior members
- MUST put the following as your signature(Profile-Forum profile-Signature)
ApplicationsComment below your application.They must follow the following guidelines.Strength level?
Attack level?
Ranged level?
Magic level?
Pray level ?
Defense Level?
Have you been in a clan before?
Fun fact about you:
Do you fight well?
[Username/Cb level]:
WHAT WE NEEDWoodcutter
FletcherThese are to make the range gear.
RunecrafterThese are to make the runes
RangersThese are for attacking and defense
SpiesThese are to listen in to other clans(pm me for this.)
We need Skillers!
If you want to be a skiller,comment with these guidelines:Smithing level:
Woodcutting level:
Mining level:
Fletching level:
Crafting level:
Runecrafting level:
The skiller creates armour,weapons and runes for the clan.You
CAN be a skiller,and be a pker aswell.
Also,please check out our discussion post:
http://www.DarkenedCombat.smf2hosting.com/index.php?topic=48.msg194#newMage Pkers Discussion
Thank you for looking at this clan,we will probably make a website soon.