Ingame name: ranran15
Why you should be a mod: i think i should be mod because i can help the server expand and grow! i am also from GMT -6 (central america) so i can be on when all of your dutch mods and admins are not on.
What you've achieved: well i just started today so i don't have much but i have an 852 total level already and i'm still training I have already voted and plan on voting daily
Your forum posts at this moment: When this was originally posted i had 0 posts before this because i had just registered on the forums but now i have 11 posts (10 no counting this one)
Additional details: i have been mod+ on other server before so i know what is expected. i know all of the basic mod commands but if you have coded extras for this server then i would like to know those
Amount of hours you will be on:well it will vary depending on the week. if i have school probably around 20 hours per week. if i don't have school then it will be closer to 35-40 hours per week.
thanks for taking the time to look at my app!