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Messages - Merchant

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General Discussion / Re: Post your max hit here!
« on: March 02, 2012, 01:03:42 pm »
This is officially my biggest hit on a Tormented Demon, with or without proof.

General Discussion / Post your max hit here!
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:22:31 pm »
So I was playing DarkenedCombat when I began to hit big (in the 900's), and was curious to find out what everyone else's max hits were.

I would appreciate a screen shot or some sort of valid evidence, as anyone can make up a random number.


I have hit bigger -not by much- but I was too slow to take a screen shot, so this is my biggest max hit with proof.

(This image is from 2/03/2012 - I spent about 5 hours on about 100 tormented demons, unfortunately my most valuable loot was a dragon spear, but hope to get my hands on a juicy pair of claws soon).

Holy... I've played almost 11 days! I'm such a nerd.

/ support.

You only just realised?! LOL.

I don't think anyone will ever even close your time xD, but stop stealing my thunder! Rofl.

Thank-you so much for your support, means a lot :P

EDIT - Added an image of my time spent active on forums, fixed a few out-dated mistakes and deleted my double post. :)

Forum Mod Applications / Re: Anne-Lotte for Forum Moderator?
« on: March 01, 2012, 07:51:25 am »
Hey Anne-lott, so far you have proven to be extremely active and truthful, two traits a forum moderator must have. You're also kind and straight to the point, which is good too.

The only uncertainties I have are: You're new and the whole bumping your thread thing just seems like it should fit under the spamming category, I think I just deem it unnecessary on a forum this size.

Overall I think the positive points I made and the negative points I made cancel each other out, leaving me neutral. If you were to get rid of the whole bumping strategy you would certainly seem fit for the job, regardless of how long you've been with darkenedcombat.

General Discussion / Re: am i hated?!!!now
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:11:06 am »
I'm almost certain no one 'hates' you, I'm sure they dislike some of the things you do, but not you yourself.

I don't know you well enough to judge or hate you, but from what I hear the others are right.

Feedback / Re: My feedback.
« on: February 28, 2012, 07:59:39 am »
Whyd youjust copy my quote?

He's agreeing with you :)

Guides / Re: Making powerful bolts (Dragon, Ruby and Diamond).
« on: February 28, 2012, 07:57:09 am »
Thanks for the feedback guys, really helps me out XD

The reason I didn't make the IMG codes is because I figured 99% of the people already know where the shops are, and the IMG codes often get in the way of the writing and mess it about, but if you really think it'd be better with them, I'll add them in :D

General Discussion / Re: Favourite Item?
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:22:03 am »
It's difficult to get the perfect outfit on real ihavenolife. because of the quest requirements for most items etc, so on private servers it's alot easier:) That outfit is also very good with a holy book :)

General Discussion / Re: Favourite Item?
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:06:29 am »
White elegant top with flared trousers, that looks sick (:

With a Gnome Scarf, desert boots and white beret? haha ;)

I personally prefer that outfit with a desert top rather than the white elegant top though :P

Good to see you have good taste in pixel-outfits lmao.

Feedback / Re: A suggestion
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:01:25 am »
I suggested this a little while ago but no one seemed to take any notice of it, I personally think it's a great idea, and if you browse forums belonging to the big name servers, they all have one too :)

I think the reason they haven't done it is because of troubles with the chatbox they have at the moment, I may be wrong but I believe they are still sorting something out with the VPS company regarding the chatbox on the forums homepage that is always unavailable.

Mod Applications / Re: 'Merchant' Moderator Application. [UPDATED]
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:28:28 am »
Youa had 3.6b in dchains...

Yep, don't think I bought or sold any of them since the day I traded them for a cls ages ago XD

General Discussion / Re: Favourite NPC?
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:14:39 am »
I'd have to say mine is probably a Nechrychael (excuse the spelling), because these are excellent for experience since they are weak to almost every weapons, and deal next to 0 damage.

They also have OK loot (Furies, Dragon Boots etc).

General Discussion / Favourite NPC?
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:12:19 am »
What is your very favourite NPC in DarkenedCombat, and why? These can range from Goblin's up to Npc's you face on high level slayer tasks, such as dark beasts.

Reply to this topic with your favourite npc, and why you like it :)

General Discussion / Re: Favourite item?
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:09:52 am »
Mine is probably the White Partyhat :D Mainly because it's my favourite colour AND a rare ;)

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