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Messages - ranran15

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: quitting.
« on: January 07, 2012, 07:28:26 pm »
how did i know sopheh would say something like that?

General Discussion / Re: quitting.
« on: January 07, 2012, 05:02:26 pm »
do i care who told him? no. its stupid that anyone let him do it.

General Discussion / Re: quitting.
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:44:31 pm »
whatev forums if you say so. but i'm not waiting any longer for people to comment i already have a server that i'm a 40$ donor on so i'm going to go back to it. not gunna say what it is cuz it would be adving and id get ban and wouldn't be able to see what everyone says to this.

and kev thx for agreeing with me on the mod stuff my main point was the mod stuff. i just wanted to get across that forums thinks he is the owner.

General Discussion / Re: quitting.
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:38:01 pm »
Just wait for the ppl to comment :)

hence the only reason that i have not left yet. i'm waiting for a few comments. tell the guys on the server to come and read it.

General Discussion / Re: quitting.
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:35:09 pm »
forums: if i was raging every thing would have an exclamation point and it would be so much worse then that i'm simply telling u y i'm quitting.

gome35: idc what u think i'm not the only one that thinks he is a bad choice for admin.

General Discussion / quitting.
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:31:24 pm »
yea so pretty much what the title says. i am quitting. reasons for quitting: forums is a **** admin (probs gunna get ban for saying that). he is always acting like he is owner and he isn't. he is always bossing people around and running the place.

you guys are allowing donations and adving for mod now. forums told royteneij that he would get mod if he got 3 more people to join the server. keeping in mind that roy and just joined and had only got 1 person to join so far. so 4 people for mod? no!!! he is also giving him 60m for every person that joins the server. its getting out of hand your just giving away mod to all the new guys. make them prove that they will stay with the server make, make them prove they know how the server works. give your guys that have been here for a long time a chance (not me im only a few weeks old) but your guys that have been here for a few months let them have a chance at mod and all the stuff that all the new guys are getting.

and the donation thing. i understand that you guys need money to keep a server running and that a vps is expensive and advertisements are expensive but still you should not have a mod package for people to buy mod for 100 dollars. if you really need donations that bad put together a package with rares and crystal keys maybe a 1-99 skill or something but don't allow the new people to be able to donate for mod. it is ok if you let someone with some experience donate for mod but not the guys that join the server and donate in like 2 seconds.

another thing is that this server is so freaking laggy. i have lagged out so many times while just standing at home talking to people. i understand that every server is going to lag and stuff and no server can be perfect but really lag while stand still and typing? no that is just stupid.

if u don't want me to quit shoot me an inbox message  with reasons y u don't want me to quit or put a comment saying y. till come back and check them later.

i'm off for now.

Player Killing / Re: Loooool again- gf armenia :P
« on: January 07, 2012, 03:58:55 pm »
no im not?! its just hard for me to get on cuz everytime i login it effs up! and when i do ask to fight you avoid it like o no does anyone else what to fight?

General Discussion / Re: Interview Harry!
« on: January 07, 2012, 02:17:12 pm »
y did you change from DarkenedCombat to darkened combat?

what is the real price of a b ring?

y do you let people donate for mod?

y is there people on the staff list that i have never seen in game before?
Because Pasta-scape sounded immature,and at least this way Jagex has less rights over it.

Berserker rings are about 6m.

Because Darkened Combat needs money,and donating $100 shows you care for the server enough for moderator.

What people?

1. ok but i did like DarkenedCombat lol and either way jagex has the same rights over you its a ihavenolife. server.

2. do you have one that i can buy?

3. kinda makes sence.

4. zazax and tornado66111
Yes but there is less chance of spotting it.
No sorry
Tornado66111 is a co-owner,and zazax no longer plays.Dont trust the forum staff lists that players make as they are rarely updated.

1. yea i guess that is true.

2. dang :\

3. made by armenia. still never seen tornado66111 or objectives and i think i have seen god of hell maybe one time
Tornado comes on reguarly but he is also our graphic designer,and helps me so he does not have much free time. Objectives,i believe,is going through family troubles at the moment.

o alright that makes sence now

General Discussion / Re: Interview Harry!
« on: January 07, 2012, 02:12:32 pm »
y did you change from DarkenedCombat to darkened combat?

what is the real price of a b ring?

y do you let people donate for mod?

y is there people on the staff list that i have never seen in game before?
Because Pasta-scape sounded immature,and at least this way Jagex has less rights over it.

Berserker rings are about 6m.

Because Darkened Combat needs money,and donating $100 shows you care for the server enough for moderator.

What people?

1. ok but i did like DarkenedCombat lol and either way jagex has the same rights over you its a ihavenolife. server.

2. do you have one that i can buy?

3. kinda makes sence.

4. zazax and tornado66111
Yes but there is less chance of spotting it.
No sorry
Tornado66111 is a co-owner,and zazax no longer plays.Dont trust the forum staff lists that players make as they are rarely updated.

1. yea i guess that is true.

2. dang :\

3. made by armenia. still never seen tornado66111 or objectives and i think i have seen god of hell maybe one time

General Discussion / Re: Interview Harry!
« on: January 07, 2012, 02:04:32 pm »
y did you change from DarkenedCombat to darkened combat?

what is the real price of a b ring?

y do you let people donate for mod?

y is there people on the staff list that i have never seen in game before?
Because Pasta-scape sounded immature,and at least this way Jagex has less rights over it.

Berserker rings are about 6m.

Because Darkened Combat needs money,and donating $100 shows you care for the server enough for moderator.

What people?

1. ok but i did like DarkenedCombat lol and either way jagex has the same rights over you its a ihavenolife. server.

2. do you have one that i can buy?

3. kinda makes sence.

4. zazax and tornado66111

Help / Re: cant login...
« on: January 07, 2012, 01:45:42 pm »
harry shoot me a link that WORKS for the dl!

thanks deadly i will try

Player Killing / Re: Loooool again- gf armenia :P
« on: January 07, 2012, 01:41:31 pm »
still won't fight me..?

General Discussion / Re: Interview Harry!
« on: January 07, 2012, 01:40:14 pm »
y did you change from DarkenedCombat to darkened combat?

what is the real price of a b ring?

y do you let people donate for mod?

y is there people on the staff list that i have never seen in game before?

Help / Re: cant login...
« on: January 06, 2012, 01:02:34 pm »
Or,Redownload the client.

im not using the dl client i'm on the webclient.

Ever tryd to make an new User? Maybe that would help

id rather not make a new acc and start over.

Help / cant login...
« on: January 05, 2012, 11:09:45 pm »
so i have been trying to get on the server for the past 3 days... idk maybe 2... ever since the vps went bad it has been happening... so it loads up and everything i type in my user and pass it load to a black screen and shows my invin then boom lags out and white screened client... how do i fix it?

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