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Topics - ranran15

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / quitting.
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:31:24 pm »
yea so pretty much what the title says. i am quitting. reasons for quitting: forums is a **** admin (probs gunna get ban for saying that). he is always acting like he is owner and he isn't. he is always bossing people around and running the place.

you guys are allowing donations and adving for mod now. forums told royteneij that he would get mod if he got 3 more people to join the server. keeping in mind that roy and just joined and had only got 1 person to join so far. so 4 people for mod? no!!! he is also giving him 60m for every person that joins the server. its getting out of hand your just giving away mod to all the new guys. make them prove that they will stay with the server make, make them prove they know how the server works. give your guys that have been here for a long time a chance (not me im only a few weeks old) but your guys that have been here for a few months let them have a chance at mod and all the stuff that all the new guys are getting.

and the donation thing. i understand that you guys need money to keep a server running and that a vps is expensive and advertisements are expensive but still you should not have a mod package for people to buy mod for 100 dollars. if you really need donations that bad put together a package with rares and crystal keys maybe a 1-99 skill or something but don't allow the new people to be able to donate for mod. it is ok if you let someone with some experience donate for mod but not the guys that join the server and donate in like 2 seconds.

another thing is that this server is so freaking laggy. i have lagged out so many times while just standing at home talking to people. i understand that every server is going to lag and stuff and no server can be perfect but really lag while stand still and typing? no that is just stupid.

if u don't want me to quit shoot me an inbox message  with reasons y u don't want me to quit or put a comment saying y. till come back and check them later.

i'm off for now.

Help / cant login...
« on: January 05, 2012, 11:09:45 pm »
so i have been trying to get on the server for the past 3 days... idk maybe 2... ever since the vps went bad it has been happening... so it loads up and everything i type in my user and pass it load to a black screen and shows my invin then boom lags out and white screened client... how do i fix it?

Feedback / add and fix
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:29:14 pm »
i think that you should add ags and claws to giles' shop both of them should be for a fair prices not over priced but no under priced.

also in lowe's shop all the herbs are either 1gp or 0gp you might think about raising those so herb isnt a 5k 99

Mod Applications / ranran15's mod app :)
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:16:48 pm »
Ingame name: ranran15

Why you should be a mod: i think i should be mod because i can help the server expand and grow! i am also from GMT -6 (central america) so i can be on when all of your dutch mods and admins are not on.

What you've achieved: well i just started today so i don't have much but i have an 852 total level already and i'm still training I have already voted and plan on voting daily

Your forum posts at this moment: When this was originally posted i had 0 posts before this because i had just registered on the forums but now i have 11 posts (10 no counting this one)

Additional details: i have been mod+ on other server before so i know what is expected. i know all of the basic mod commands but if you have coded extras for this server then i would like to know those

Amount of hours you will be on:well it will vary depending on the week. if i have school probably around 20 hours per week. if i don't have school then it will be closer to 35-40 hours per week.

thanks for taking the time to look at my app!

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